Greetings, Honey Dips & Dippers!! Today's Honey Dip of Da Day is none other than the fabulous and stylish Deidra Washington(@HumbleDei) ! This QUEEN hails from the gorgeous city of Jacksonville, Fla. This Honey is currently a student at Florida A&M University, where she majors in public relations. In 2012 participated in the spring elections as a publicity leader for the Marissa West and Michael Jefferson campaign. She had to create and manage a Twitter and Facebook account. Through her communications skills and fun facts she quickly grabbed her peers’ attention to spark interest in the candidates and the administration won. She has also worked as the SGA Deputy Secretary of State, she organized the 2012 presidential inauguration and reception. That's not all Dips and Dippers she has also worked on a public relations project with Positive Generation Entertainment, where she helped expose their company to a wider audience. QUEEN Deidra is definitely a gifted and black QUEEN on the rise!!! Be on the lookout for your new favorite PR Girl, QUEEN Deidra Washington!!
Here are some fun facts about Deidra:
- I love food
- I love the outdoors; walking through trails.
- I'm apart of an amazing movement. The awakening of the "African American" people to their true history.
- My truck's name is Ray Ray
- I graduate in Fall 2014!
- I do hair :)
- Trying to buy/eat more organic foods.
-Favorite song (currently): Andre' 3000-Pink & Blue